Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


Everyone takes their revenge in the wolrd. Mine consist in bearing my troubles and sorrows shut deep within me, while my laughter keeps everyone amused... I laugh with one face, I weep with the other. (Kierkegaard)

God creates out of nothing, wonderful, you say;
yes, to be sure, but what he does is still more wonderful;
he makes saints out if sinners (Kierkegaard)

Yes, I perceive perfectly that there are two possibilities, one can do either this or that. (Kierkegaard)

God is the only one who does no grow tired of listenong to men. (Kierkegaard)

I feel a longing to say nothing more except: Amen. (Kierkegaard)

No; yes, remember me to everyone, I was much attached to them all, and tell them that my life is a great and to others unknown and unintelligible suffering. It all looked like pride and vanity, but it was not. (Kierkegaard).


My formula is Amor Fati:..... not only to bear up under every necessity, but love it.
Live dangerously... Erect your cities beside Vesuvius. Send out your ships to unexplored seas. Live in a state of war.

I sat there waiting---waiting for nothing
Enjoying, beyond good and evil, now

The light, now the shade; there was only
The day, the lake, the noon, time without end.
Then, my friend, suddenly one became two,
And Zarathustra passed by me.

I love those whose soul is deep, even when wounded...
I love those who has a free spirit and a free heart...
I love those who are as heavy drops, falling one by one out of the dark
cloud that hangs over men, they herald the advent og lightning, and, as heralds, they perish.

My death I praise you, the free death which come to me because I want it.
Free to die and free in death, able to say a holy No when the time for Yes has passed...
For, to me justice speacks thus: 'Men are not equal.' Nor shall they become equal.
They do not understand me; I am not the mouth for these ears.

Human reality is free, basically and completely free.
...the Other is the hidden death of my possibilities.
So this is HELL. I'd never have believe it. You remember all we were told about torture chambers, the fire and brimstone, the burning marl. Old wives's tales! There's no need for redhot pokers. HELL is OTHER PEOPLE!

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