Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Social Phobia

The central fear underlying social phobia is the belief that other people are watching you and judging you in a critical way.
The key to challenging these types of thought is to realize that things in the adult world are very different from when you were young.
The vast majority of adults around you are too busy thinking about their own lives to spend much time or energy thinking about you.
In addition, most of the adults you encounter will treat you with the same kindness you extend others. if you make a mistake or do something stupid, it's not that important to them.
unfortunately, many people with social phobias react to others as if they are still in grade school or junior high school. At that time children are very cruel to another. While there are small number of adults who will react that way, most have grown up and will treat you in a mature manner.

Peurifoy, 2005: 47.

The Path to Freedom

Reneau Z. Peurify

As each day passes,

I am better able to embrace and love myself,
all of myself,
and to more fully embrace and love others,

I am better able to understand
that feelings are friendly,
and this understanding allows them to flow freely through me,

I am better able to think rationally and realistically,
to look at life as a series of choices
and to stop and look before choosing,

I am better able to know
that perfection is a direction rather than a place,
and to laugh at my mistakes and imperfections,

I am better able to be patient with time
and face my world with courage,
knowing that each day

I take another step on The Path to Freedom.

(Peurifoy, 2005).


I am afraid.


Omonganku dalam dunia maya seringkali ga sopan. Aku tau... Mungkin beberapa orang melihatku memiliki kepribadian berbeda ketika aku itu dan aku yang ini telah disadari mereka.

Aku rasaa... Mungkin aku mengalami gangguan, entah apa itu. Dugaanku saja... Tapi entah menurut suatu ilmu pengetahuan itu.

Begooooo! Shit! Begoo banget gue emang. Gue bego. Tuhan...  I can't standing here too long. I wanna give up.
Please end all of my ilution or halucination. I give up right now! God.......... Listen to mee,,,


social anxiety and social phobia.